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One Punch Pack

This game concept revolves around high-stakes battles where you get just one shot to take down each boss. It’s all about choosing the right combination of items quickly. Prepare for a strategic challenge where every decision could lead to triumph or defeat in this future project!

Hi! Help shape the future of Imago Games! Explore the pages below to discover three+1 different game concepts that could become reality with your support.

We wanted to run them all simultaneously on Kickstarter, but it wasn't allowed (even after we asked :)). So, we have one active and two+1 more on our website. Check them out, and show your interest! Follow our pre-launch page, join our Discord, and let us know which concept you want to see come to life.

Planet Hoarders is our chosen favorite, where most of our hopes lie and what we're most passionate about right now. So, if you like it, become a backer!


I’m Arthur. I’ve worked in game development for 5 years and started creating SpellCaster a year ago. Along the way, Eugene has significantly helped with the development of SpellCaster, and together we form the Imago Games team.

SpellCaster is still a work in progress and needs more funding to be completed. In our search for funds, we're considering a pivot and will return to SpellCaster later.

Join our Discord! This server is different from the SpellCaster one.

Now, let's get down to business and let me tell you about our 3rd game concept! Let's gooooo!!!11

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One Punch Pack

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This game concept revolves around high-stakes battles where you get just one shot to take down each boss. It’s all about choosing the right combination of items quickly. Prepare for a strategic challenge where every decision could lead to triumph or defeat in this future project!

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Start with a 9-slot grid, and sew on new slots as you progress. More slots, more fun!

Acquiring Gear:
Backpack Extravaganza: Lug around a massive backpack stuffed with items. Before each battle, you frantically pull out 8 items to assemble a killer set. You've got three rounds to pull the right combo from a pre-selected pool of about 50 items.

Gameplay Highlights:
Items Galore: Each item has its shape and occupies slots accordingly. They also have colors and types which influence their abilities.

Damage and Combos:
Items alone grant damage, but their combinations can multiply it, crucial for one-hit boss victories.

Shop Specials:
In the shop, buy potions for buffs (like all-green items or all-boots) or magic spells that alter your items (turning boots into swords, recoloring them, or sharpening them).

Merging Magic:
Merge identical items to create higher-tier items, possibly changing their color or type.

Boss Battles:
Face (8?) bosses, each resembling a great historical figure, complete with unique buffs and debuffs. Strategy is key!

All items return to your bag after a boss fight, ready for the next round.

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