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Contact us in case you are stuck with your trouble

Frequently Asked Questions

How to start playing Spell Caster?

To start playing Spell Caster, download the app from the App Store or Google Play Store. Once the app is installed, open it, and follow the on-screen instructions to start playing.

Can I play Spell Caster on my PC?

Currently, Spell Caster is only available on mobile devices (iOS and Android). We do not have a PC version available at this time.

How can I report a bug or issue?

If you encounter any bugs or issues while playing Spell Caster, please report them on our Discord #issues channel or via email at contact@imago.games.

How can my data be deleted?

To request the deletion of your data, please send an email to contact@imago.games. In your email, state that you wish to have your data deleted and provide your player ID. You can copy your player ID by tapping on the version label in the settings.

Contact Us

Use Discord #issues channel or via email contact@imago.games