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Survival Frontiers

Survive to escape with your friends from a dangerous planet after your spaceship crashes. Manage a colony of survivors, each with unique skills and traits, in a top-down cooperative experience.

Hi! Help shape the future of Imago Games! Explore the pages below to discover three+1 different game concepts that could become reality with your support.

We wanted to run them all simultaneously on Kickstarter, but it wasn't allowed (even after we asked :)). So, we have one active and two+1 more on our website. Check them out, and show your interest! Follow our pre-launch page, join our Discord, and let us know which concept you want to see come to life.

Planet Hoarders is our chosen favorite, where most of our hopes lie and what we're most passionate about right now. So, if you like it, become a backer!

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I’m Arthur. I’ve worked in game development for 5 years and started creating SpellCaster a year ago. Along the way, Eugene has significantly helped with the development of SpellCaster, and together we form the Imago Games team.

SpellCaster is still a work in progress and needs more funding to be completed. In our search for funds, we're considering a pivot and will return to SpellCaster later.

Join our Discord! This server is different from the SpellCaster one.

Now, let's get down to business and let me tell you about our 2nd game concept! Let's gooooo!!!11

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Survival Frontiers

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Survive to escape with your friends from a dangerous planet after your spaceship crashes. Manage a colony of survivors, each with unique skills and traits, in a top-down cooperative experience.

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In "Survival Frontiers," you and your friends (each of you) take control of 2-5 units who have survived a colony crash. You’re in charge, directing each unit to undertake various tasks. Whether it's mining in caves, beautifying the area, gathering berries, chopping wood, scouting, standing guard, feeding prisoners, farming, sorting warehouse items, conducting research, or building – the choice is yours!

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Each unit comes with its own set of unique quirks. Maybe you've got a vegetarian who's afraid of the dark, or a limping engineer. As players, you'll form tribes, each with critical moments to select special perks like a morale boost from cannibalism or a combat debuff when a naked person is present. You can designate large territories cell by cell for specific needs—think warehouses, rye fields, or labs.

You'll find new settlers in ship wreckage cryo-chambers, buy them from slavery, or recruit from defeated but alive raiders. Your ultimate goal? Build a spacecraft to escape the planet. This won’t be easy as you’ll need specific resources and time, all while dealing with diseases, raiders, aliens, and natural disasters.

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The way you delegate tasks among your friends? Totally up to you. Having friends helps you manage the endless unit tasks—you can plan the settlement together and decide who develops which perks. Maybe one of you will train a group of cannibal farmers because they won't steal the crops, or perhaps a squad of robot assassins that tear enemies apart with their bare claws. Expect hilarious clashes based on internal conflicts within your tribes, regulated by a third tribe acting as the settlement's police force. And when food runs low, you’ll face tough decisions: who stays hungry, who gets sacrificed? Who gets quarantined, and who loses it and starts a rampage?

This game is all about strategy, cooperation, and managing the chaos of survival with a twist of dark humor.

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