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SpellCaster: Brawl Arena

Top-down multiplayer shooter, pixel-art arena brawler where you customize your attack spell for iOS and Android

Hi! Help shape the future of Imago Games! Explore the pages below to discover three+1 different game concepts that could become reality with your support.

We wanted to run them all simultaneously on Kickstarter, but it wasn't allowed (even after we asked :)). So, we have one active and two+1 more on our website. Check them out, and show your interest! Follow our pre-launch page, join our Discord, and let us know which concept you want to see come to life.

Planet Hoarders is our chosen favorite, where most of our hopes lie and what we're most passionate about right now. So, if you like it, become a backer!


I’m Arthur. I’ve worked in game development for 5 years and started creating SpellCaster a year ago. Along the way, Eugene has significantly helped with the development of SpellCaster, and together we form the Imago Games team.

SpellCaster is still a work in progress and needs more funding to be completed. In our search for funds, we're considering a pivot and will return to SpellCaster later.

SpellCaster: Brawl Arena

This Page is dedicated to the current state of SpellCaster and the plans I want to complete in ~3 months.

SpellCaster already has its core features implemented and playable, which you can check out for yourself at:

[Google Play Store Link]
[Apple App Store Link]

Also check out our Discord meantime

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What Makes SpellCaster Unique? Runes!

A rune in SpellCaster acts as a set of attack modifiers. You can equip up to three runes to tailor your attack style. For instance, combining the Spread Shooting, Crit, and Fire runes transforms a single shot dealing 500 base damage into four shots spread in a cone, each with increased damage, a higher crit chance, and a burning effect that damages enemies over time.

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Before and After Transformation of Attack:
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Current Features (Already in game):

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What are my plans?

There will be many quality of life improvements too, such as better effects, improved controls, and runes that change shot particles, etc.

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